Friday, May 21, 2010

Budding Photographer

Craig has a thing for the pictures Big I takes, "They could be real art someday!" I'm not too sure about 'real art', but sometimes they're kind of funny. These are from a couple of days ago.

A few samples of the many, many self-portraits:

(Don't you love how intently he's obviously thinking about what he's doing?)

("Maybe if I press this one here...")

He's also recently figured out that he can turn the camera around and take pictures on purpose. He thought he might have luck with the local fauna:

(Olie's ear.)

(Olie's rump.)

(Olie', oh nevermind.)

Later he moved on to still life.

(The desk.)

(The desk.)

(Still the desk.)

(What's on Woot! today?)

I think he's got potential.

Swiss Chard

Just look at this 'Bright Lights' Swiss Chard. It's growing like crazy right now.

Did you see those colors?

Saute with some olive oil, onions and garlic...mmmm. It's even toddler approved.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Dream Come True

Fozzie has finally found a grazing partner.

(Does anyone else find this relationship weird?)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Toddler + paint project + distracted mom =




(Yes, he tracked it across the family room carpet, across the kitchen tile and onto the up-until-now pristine patio to tell me what he had done.)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wee Bunny

Look what the dogs cornered the other day.

Probably no bigger than my hand....or Olie's head.

As far as I could tell it made a clean get away....until the hawk get's it.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Another Garden Update

Lots coming up here! chard.

The first tomato! (Sweet 100's again along with some herlooms.)

More squash...I think they're squash. I don't remember planting all of these. I know there are some mini sunflowers at the end.

Glorious, glorious blackberries. Almost here...

A look up from inside the 'corn field'.

Mmm corn...Blue Jade. With a squash and pepper in the foreground.

Since they're mini corn, do you think they'll be "knee-high by the Fourth of July" on this guy? Actually, I guess they're already past that.

Holy Mole pepper.

Look at my heuchera! It's never looked so good.

It's actually going to bloom for the first time since I bought it about 6 years ago.

And I wanted to show off my dwarf pomegranates even though they aren't that impressive yet.

Aren't those orange blooms cool?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Passed Out

Came home this afternoon to this:

Must have been some party. (And where are Big I's pants?!?)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Yard Work

Think he'll still want to help Daddy with the mowing when he's 14?