A new fan was purchased and put up in the family room and the old one was moved to the living room.
I finally found a green ash cultivar (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) for sale, a Cimarron Ash. (At one of the big chains no less; I was surprised.) A little research convinced me to give it a try in the yard. We'll have to cross our fingers and see how it adapts in the heavy clay. Ashes are pretty versatile, but for a tree costing less than $100 we'll just have to see.
Craig dug...
and dug some more.
I dug some too.
All elbows and backsides. See?
Then we placed the tree and back filled and watered and mulched.
Even Big I helped.
He also played in the dirt clods.
Speaking of dirt clods, it's no surprise how people made sod houses out of this blackland prairie clay. It makes bricks all on it's own. Just imagine how sturdy they'd be with long-rooted prairie grasses instead of this blasted Bermuda.
Edited to add: Forgot to put in a shot of the finished product!
Craig did a bit more tree work by cleaning up the poor neglected Live Oaks out front. They'll need more work, but they look better already.
We weren't worker bees the whole weekend. We did stop to check out some really cool clouds brought in by a front yesterday.
The sky pictures are beautiful! Watching the digging makes me tired. Isaac is sitting really well now! Hope the tree makes it after all that hard work.