Friday, April 24, 2009

A plethora of pretty plants

We went to the Collin County Master Gardener's spring plant sale last weekend. I purposely only brought $20 in cash so I wouldn't over do it. Craig's mom, however, whom we happened to run into, had her check book.

(For the sun, three types of salvias, Henry Duelberg, two lantanas, little bluestem, dwarf maiden grass, Jewel of Opar and I don't remember what else.)

(For the shade, inland sea oats, two colors of turk's cap, Texas columbine, and horseherb combined with a few I had already hanging around: hostas, heuchera, violas and my big pot of mint.)

(Last but not least, two Eve's necklace trees to replace the crepe myrtles out front.)


In veggie news, I thought I'd use my staw bales to do some 'straw bale gardening'. A couple more tomatoes, peppers and basil. We'll see how that goes.

The squash is blooming. Only one so far, so I need to wait for another bloom so I can pollinate them by hand.

And one of the prettiest things in the yard right now I didn't plant: buttercups!


  1. Buttercup was the most beautiful of Princesses, she believed in true love.

  2. No no no....

    "Buttercup lived on a small farm in the country of Florin..."

    I ALMOST posted something about that.
