A couple of weeks ago we snagged this shed for a fairly good price.
Since then, we -okay, mostly Craig- have been working on a pad for it. It started with digging out and leveling the area followed by the base material.
(Craig would like me to point out that while several of these pictures show an overcast day in the 80's, that was not the typical weather during most of the work.)
Then the sand (tamp...tamp...tamp) followed by the pavers and lots of leveling. Also included was the relocation of a sprinkler head.
Then a little Quality Assurance.
Had to wait out the work week until we had time to put the building itself up. But in the meantime, Fozzie Bear appreciated his Poodle Patio.
There are no process pictures of the 'shed raising' as we were trying hard to get it done during nap time. Fortunately, Big I took an extra-good nap and we had only one moderate problem right at the end that Craig was able to fix without too much heartache. It's pretty easy to put these things together.
And so, I give you the finished product.
And a much tidier patio.
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