Big I has a little CD player/radio with a big round, blue light on the front that he's been obsessed with for most of his short life. It's been a little questionable lately on whether it will play when you hit the button. As Craig was futzing with it, he showed Big I which buttons to push to turn it on and to make it play. As he's lately developed a penchant for 'dancing', Big I enjoyed this new-found power immensely.

The weird part comes when I asked what the drum-filled classical-style music was that Big I seemed to enjoy bouncing to so much. Ready for it?

When I asked Craig, "Why, why
Conan the Barbarian?" he responded that it was the first CD he pulled out of the box.
I think he missed my meaning.
Why would you OWN the soundtrack to
Conan the Barbarian?
I believe Craig has earned a nickname...