Saturday, July 24, 2010

Packin' it in

I've been keeping an eye out for a little backpack for the Big I but haven't been able to find anything. Then I came across this pattern. What do you think of the results?

Big I was very insistent on that fabric. He grabbed the bolt from me in the store and put it on his lap in the cart. I offered a few other options but it was always 'green one!'.

I love that there are no zippers or snaps or anything else to foil little hands. The little flap at the top is all there is. I added the front pocket and the top loop as well.

As soon as I showed him the finished product this morning, he immediately started shoving his two bears in and out.

We put it on his back and he was off for adventure for the morning along with his faithful, um...rabbit.


  1. How cute is that?? What a busy little boy he is. Great backpack, Em!

  2. He is an up and coming adventurer to be seen on NG or Animal Planet. "The Adventures of Big I and His Faithful Rabbit..." That's really a cute bag.
