Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Indigo dyeing

Every time I think of dyeing with indigo it launches me into "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

(If any of you had to click on that link to find out what I was talking about, shame on you.)

Now that that's out of my system: at my spinners guild meeting on Sunday, we did some dyeing with indigo. Since I'm still nursing Big I, our fearless leader, Laura, didn't allow me (or my friend, Shannon, who is also nursing) to get hands-on with any of the actual dye process just to be on the safe side...chemicals and all. Some of the other folks were kind enough to dye some things for me.

Remember that mustard yellow sweater from the thrift store?

Not any more.

Plain ol' white pre-fold dipes?

Not any more.

Mucky grey yarn from a previous botched dye job?

Not any more.

I'm told it's the coolest process. You put your material into a mucky-green colored liquid thinking it's going to look terrible and then as you pull it out of the dye bath and into the oxygen it turns the most lovely blue. Totally cool. Maybe next time I'll get to do it myself.


It's lovely weather here. Brisco was a big help while I was getting some pictures outside.


And some obligatory cuteness.

By the way, he slept through the night for the second time last night.


  1. I was wondering how long it would take to work in the Princess Bride....

  2. So I saw the end of Yentil a few weeks ago, and a very young Mandy Patankin is in that movie. Near the end he yells, "Please! Please!" as he does in the P.B. when calling for Fessik. I giggled. :)

  3. That "obligatory cuteness" is just so cute!
    Brisco reminds me of Snoopy when he did his dance for joy

  4. Haha, it is like Snoopy's dance. That dog just loves having a yard.

  5. I ALWAYS do the Inigo Montoya thing, too. Drives my dh crazy, which is mostly why I do it. When I think of indigo, I start singing Devotion or whatever Indigo Girls song is in my head at the time.
